Sysoperation frame work in ax2012 is used for run our business logic inter actively or periodically by scheduling batch jobs. in ax batch server.
Sysoperation framework follows MVC pattern which is model view and controller
Model ; model is a member which intarct with view to get the input parameters and it is also co-ordinate with controller for execte the busines logic.
view; view is for display purpose.Ui builder class is worked as view in ax 2012
controller; Controller is used for execute our busines logic.
apart from that in sysoperation framwork we have some classes which are exactly worked as mvc pattern
those are
1.sysopeartion contarct class
2.sysopeartion serviece class
3.sysopeartioncontroller class
4.sysopeartion uibuilder class
here i have a requirement that i want to insert lines for price/disc agrement journal by using existing posted journals.
For that i have created a contract class having parameters current journals and posted journals.
here the code for sysopeartion
Data Contract class :
To create Datacontarct class we have to use DataContractAttribiute on the top of the class and
and we have to mention DatamemberAttribute on the top of the Methods.
Additionally we can use UiBuilder class for forther refferences like lookups,validations,modifications etc.
Code snippet:
1.declaring Datacpontract class
class DaxPriceDiscContract
str CurrentJournal; //for unbond controls we mention datatype
str PostedJournals; // for bonded edts
2.declaring Parm Methods for user input. These methods will create parmaetrs of dailoge form for user interactions.
SysOperationLabelAttribute(literalStr(" current journal")), -------> label
SysOperationHelpTextAttribute(literalStr("for current journal lines")),---->helptext
public str parmCurrentJournal(str _currentJournal = currentJournal)
currentJournal =_currentJournal;
return currentJournal;
And one more parmmethod
SysOperationLabelAttribute(literalStr(" Posted journal")),
SysOperationHelpTextAttribute(literalStr("for insert journal lines")),
public str parmPostedJournals(str _postedJournals = postedJournals)
postedJournals =_postedJournals;
return postedJournals;
class DaxPricediscUiBuilder extends SysOperationAutomaticUIBuilder{DaxPriceDiscContract DaxPriceDiscContractloc;}
2. Build method for perfom operatiopn on Contract class
Public void build(){DaxPriceDiscContractloc = this.dataContractObject();this.addDialogField(methodStr(DaxPriceDiscContract,parmCurrentJournal),DaxPriceDiscContractloc);this.addDialogField(methodStr(DaxPriceDiscContract,parmPostedJournals),DaxPriceDiscContractloc);}
3. Normal lookup method.
Public void lookupPostJour(FormStringControl _formStringControl)
Query query = new Query();
QueryBuildDataSource qbds;
QueryBuildRange qbr;
SysTableLookup lookup;
lookup = SysTableLookup::newParameters(tableNum(PriceDiscAdmTable),_formStringControl);
4. We will create a PostBuild Method.
Public void PostBuild()
DialogField dgpostedJour;
So now we will apply this Uibuilder class on the top of the Contract Class. So that it will extract the Uibuilder class methods.
Now Iam Creating service class which used to write our busines logic to perform our operation.
Note; Service class is optional class.we can also use controller class to run our business logic.But for the better performnce, as to reduce the overloading in contarct class we wil use service class.
1. class declaration
class DaxPricdiscService extends SysOperationServiceBase
2.add one method to perform our logic
[SysEntryPointAttribute] // mandotary to get the values from dailoge
public void testContract(DaxPriceDiscContract _daxPriceDiscContract)
PriceDiscAdmTrans priceDiscAdmTrans,priceDiscAdmTransLOC;
RecordInsertList insertRecords;
insertRecords = new RecordInsertList(tableNum(PriceDiscAdmTrans));
while select priceDiscAdmTransLOC
where priceDiscAdmTransLOC.JournalNum==_daxPriceDiscContract.parmPostedJournals()
if (priceDiscAdmTransLOC)
// for traditional insert follow this one. here im using RecordInsertList
info('parm dailoge test');
Controller is the main class to execute our business logic.Controller class must have one main method, new method,Construct method.
Here code snippet.
1.Class Declartion
[ SysOperationJournaledParametersAttribute(true) ]
class DaxPricediscController extends SysOperationServiceController
//declare all variables which will use in your opeartion
Common callerrecord;
DaxPricediscController controller;
DaxPriceDiscContract daxPriceDiscContract;
PriceDiscAdmTable priceDiscAdmTable;
PriceDiscAdmTrans priceDiscAdmTrans;
2. My requiremnt is i want to pic the current record from a form and insert its line details.
So that im using args Parameters and methods./
1.add parmCallerRecord
public Common parmCallerRecord(Common _callerRecord = callerRecord)
//used to get the selected record table
callerRecord = _callerRecord;
return callerRecord;
2 add initFromCaller
.private void initFromCaller()
// getting object of contract class
daxPriceDiscContract = this.getDataContractObject();
switch (this.parmCallerRecord().TableId)
// initilizing parmcallerrecord
case tableNum(PriceDiscAdmTrans) :
priceDiscAdmTrans = this.parmCallerRecord() as PriceDiscAdmTrans;
3. newFromArgs
public static DaxPricediscController newFromArgs(Args _args)
// pasing args to the controller class
DaxPricediscController controller;
IdentifierName className;
IdentifierName methodName;
SysOperationExecutionMode executionMode;
[className, methodName, executionMode] = SysOperationServiceController::parseServiceInfo(_args);
if (_args.record())
executionMode = SysOperationExecutionMode::Synchronous;
controller = new DaxPricediscController(className, methodName, executionMode);
return controller;
protected void refreshCallerRecord()
// used to refresh the caller record
FormDataSource callerDataSource;
if (this.parmCallerRecord() && this.parmCallerRecord().dataSource())
callerDataSource = this.parmCallerRecord().dataSource();
} method
// in the paranthesis declare classes and methods and execution mode as parameters
void new(IdentifierName _className = classStr(DaxPricdiscService),
IdentifierName _methodName = methodStr(DaxPricdiscService, testContract),
SysOperationExecutionMode _executionMode = SysOperationExecutionMode::Synchronous
super(_className, _methodName, _executionMode);
// by passing service class in these methods we will creating reference for our contract class as well so that when we running our controller class it will show us dailoge
5.Main Method.
as we know main method used for creating instance object of the class and opertion will execute or starts from Main method only.
Public static void Main(Args _args)
DaxPricediscController daxPricediscController= new DaxPricediscController();
daxPricediscController = DaxPricediscController ::newFromArgs(_args);
// manodtary to start our controller class operations
6.Create a instance of Data contract class. so that it is easy to access Data Contract class.
public DaxPriceDiscContract parmDaxPriceDiscContract(DaxPriceDiscContract _DaxPriceDiscContract = daxPriceDiscContract)
daxPriceDiscContract = _DaxPriceDiscContract;
return daxPriceDiscContract;
So its done for creating classes and methods.. so now we will going to add our controller class to a Action Menu iterm.
in the action menu item properties we have to mention following properties
And then compile your project and open the menu item
U will Get a dailoge like this
Keep Daxing.....!
Good explanation about SysOperation frame work
ReplyDeleteBest of luck
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